Ponder this question for 2012…

Source: marian16rox.tumblr.com

It’s been said that making change is difficult. Often times when we look at starting a new project it can seem far too overwhelming. It can seem like it might take a monumental amount of effort to complete the tasks. In my case, I end up spinning for days about what the possibilities are. “What if I did this?… If I do THAT, then maybe I could also do THIS?” and the possibilities end up bogging me down. The gift and curse of too many ideas? or remnants of an over active childhood imagination? Who knows? One idea leads to the next and the cycle continues and continues. I end up spending all of my energies on the big picture then I realize that there has been no real movement towards my goal.

When I get into this cycle of non-productive ideation, I try to remember that one of the easiest ways to make progress is by making “baby steps”, a small action that moves you forward toward your goal. Small actions made on a consistent basis can eventually make big changes and move your project forward.

Think of parallel lines. If you extend those lines and if they are perfectly parallel the lines will never meet. Make a slight change in the angle of one of the lines and it may be hardly noticeable. BUT extend those lines further out and you’ll see that the further the lines extend the more noticeable the change is. Way down the line there is a huge difference.

The same is for true for taking small steps towards a goal. Do something, anything, no matter how small, to move your project or idea forward. Break up the big tasks into smaller tasks. I know that for me, this makes me feel like I’m making progress, because I AM making progress.

So, what will you do today to make you proud in year?


3 thoughts on “Ponder this question for 2012…”

  1. Kaisen, I’ll have to check it out Lora! My blog is very new. I have some articles that I wanted to put into the book and didn’t fit and I wanted to be sure that people got more information. I do have another blog but I never really promoted it. Plus I was using iWeb which isn’t really good for the SEO. However, I’m kind of liking the WordPress format. Now I just have to update my other website! Take care

  2. Very good advice. It is all about moving forward even if it is just bit by bit. Some times tiny steps, some times large. Somewhere I read that God, the universe, whatever. honors action. I think it is true. Thanks.

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