The Woodland Chic Design Team
This job affords me the great joy of meeting wonderful artists. All from a variety of different disciplines. Each with their own approach to art. Each with their own techniques and method of doing things.
The Woodland Chic Design Team was assembled with the idea of highlighting some of these artists. The Woodland Chic Design Team pushed the limits and shows the versatility of the Woodland Chic Texture Sheet. Not only through the medium of metal clay, but also polymer and beyond.
Every week I’ll be highlighting a different project from a different designer. So stay tuned to see some of their outstanding work.
If you can’t wait to see all of the projects, you can find them all in the Woodland Chic Idea Kit available in my store. A series of 28 cards with a project from each artist. Highlights of how the pieces were constructed and valuable tips that will make your studio life easier.
So enjoy the ideas and creativity of these wonderful artists. I know they will inspire you as much as they have inspired me.
14 Designers (and growing ) – 1 Texture Sheet – Lots of great ideas!

The Woodland Chic Idea Kit –
The Woodland Chic Idea Kit available in my store. Is a series of 28 cards with a project made by each artist. Highlights of how the pieces were constructed and valuable tips that will make your studio life easier. The cards are 3.5″ x 2″ printed 4 color 2 sided and are chock full information. The tiny Idea Kit with Big Ideas! – This product is no longer available.

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