I’m so grateful and humbled that one of my pieces was chosen to be one the finalists for the Saul Bell Awards. This piece is titled “Memory Interrupted” It’s made from fine silver, synthetic peridot and citrine, pearls and 22K. Some of you know that my mother has dementia and this piece is part of an ongoing series that explores the concept of memory. I created molds from Tour Cameos. These were plaster cameos that wealthy Europeans in the 18th century collected when they were on the “Grand Tour” The Grand Tour was meant to explore different cultures and exchange ideas with the citizens in those countries. The tours lasted from 3 months to 3 years for more wealthy patrons. The cameos were collected during the tour and placed into a case to remind them of their adventures.
These cameos serve as a metaphor for my mother’s 92 years. Even though her long term memories are somewhat intact she has no short term memory. The cracks represent those memories that are interrupted.