I’ve just learned that I’ve won first place in the Bead Dreams 2015 contest metal clay category!
I’m so excited and thrilled! Every year the Bead and Button Show holds the Bead Dreams contest. It’s been a few years since I’ve entered. This year I entered some of my new work based on a recurring theme of memory ( or dementia/Alzheimers ) As some of you might know my mother has dementia, her memories are slowly fading. Instead of focusing on the lost memories, in this piece called “Collected Memories”, I used Tour Cameos as a metaphor for the remembered moments that are true gems in my mother’s life and now mine.

Each year, Bead&Button magazine sponsors BeadDreams, a juried competition of exceptional bead artistry from around the world.
Ribbons are currently awarded in ten categories. The accepted pieces are displayed in our gallery area at the Bead&Button Show.
The outstanding piece among category winners receives a Best in Show trophy and a $1,000 gift certificate from Fire Mountain Gems and Beads.
The Metal Clay category was sponsored by ArtClay World.