Stunning work in the ancient art of pebble mosaics

pebble mosaics

I love great craftsmanship. It can be in the most ordinary thing, but if it is well crafted it tells me that someone paid close attention to every detail. I somehow feel a kinship with whoever made the piece. I guess this is part of why I’m a designer.  Earlier today I was trolling the internet for something… it seems I can’t remember because facebook led to pinterest, which led to a blog, then back to pinterest, then of course to someone’s website….. you get the picture. Anyhow, I came across the stunning work of Maggie Howarth. Maggie creates stunning mosaic work with pebbles. Check out her website to see her phenomenal work.

Stunning work in the ancient art of hand made pebble mosaics
Stunning work in the ancient art of hand made pebble mosaics
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