Well hello everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve posted on the “Patrik’s Blog” section of my site. I thought this might be an appropriate topic since it hit me square in the face. I just got back from a teaching trip to Canada and I’m trying to play catch up with all of the things on my “to do” list that didn’t “get done” while I was away. I get so caught up in “doing”. Trying to make sure that I get my adrenaline rush from making a ✓ so I can go onto the next thing. Yes, there are some hard deadlines that demand a “Beat the Clock” type of mentality, but for the most part the deadlines are self inflicted. Push, push, push. On top of that, everyday household tasks that require attention are squeezed in between studio tasks (one of the deadly distractions with having your studio in your home ) Does this sound familiar?…”While the PMC is drying, I think I should toss some laundry in the washing machine”” ….defrost the chicken….run the dishwasher” …insert your task here! Push, push, push. Multitasking to the nines.
I was making a project with metal clay and taking step-by-step photos for the article. (multi taking #1) While the PMC was drying, I uploaded the photos on the computer, got on the phone to yell at Expedia ( don’t ask ) started Photoshop and Pages and started to write the article. (multi tasking #2 and 3 ) Phone in one hand, oh yes, and mug of tea in the other. Uploading, trying to write in between sips, on hold. waiting, getting more and more frustrated. (multi tasking #4 )EVEN MORE ANNOYING the sun was shining around my computer screen and there was shadow that kept dodging in and out of my view. In and out, in and out. A leaf? no, there was no tree or wind…. argh what the heck! I grumbled a furrowed brow outside to search for the culprit. Nothing. Then a minute or so later it was back. Disturbing my focused frenzy. Again I search the garden but this time I found it.

A huge, beautiful, perfect Monarch butterfly, flitting around my Dahlia garden. It was breath taking. This giant beauty made me stop in my tracks and it made me watch it. I felt a sudden calmness. By this time Expedia had hung up on me for the 3 time and I didn’t really care…at least at that moment. I realized that I had been going, going and pushing, since the early a.m. almost 9 hours without a real break. Yes I did stop for a brief, multi tasking lunch (#5) but no real downtime break. I realized that I routinely stopped taking breaks. I went out to the garden with my tea and sat there for awhile and watched this beauty. It was wonderful and it did wonders for my well being.
Then of course, I decided to take photos of the butterfly, and my Dahlia garden complete with bees and glorious color. Oh let the multi tasking begin! Can I take break and still take photos? Ya I think so… hehe all that being said. Taking the time to slow down a bit. Shift your focus to something non work related, non chore related, just something to cause that momentary cycle of do, do do to pause, pause and …..pause.
It’s ok to take break, you deserve it!