2,000 Suspended Dandelions

Saw this article on line, AMAZING! Check out the full article on this artist. She collected all of the dandelions by hand, secured with an adhesive and transported by car. Check out this link. Well if you are like me, all you’ll be able to read are the photos by still worth the look. http://www.regineramseier.ch/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=73&Itemid=79

Here is the google translate version:


I have directed this work to the small room in the art lab. Around 2000 withered dandelion flowers commute easily and alive from the ceiling. A symbol of life and birth. A symbol of the transience. Pause a moment. Hold your breath and the ephemeral a breath turn. Amazement in the Wunderkammer.
Hermann Hesse has expressed my feelings in words. In the poem, instantaneous flashes.
The small white room contains a large window, which blocks out the green of the park.
The Dandelions sky curves toward the door to the window and it seems as if the flowers carried out of the space, the light and the day counter. But soft hang in space and are permanent. Arrested in my memory. They will not return. But the golden meadows, this I know, the dandelions, they will return next spring.

Regine Ramseier

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