Sterling Silver and 22K
A few months ago I proposed an article using PMC Sterling to Jeannette at MCAM magazine. It’s been like waiting for Christmas waiting to see it in print. Yesterday I got the magazine in the mail! It’s always nice to see your work in print, on-line and included in books. Two of my favorite things are to 1) Open up the kiln and see how the work came out. That edges out even seeing the final completed piece sometimes. and 2) Seeing my work published. It looks great! Thanks MCAM!

It reminds me of my first design job at a large package design firm. (We worked on small little jobs like The Olympics, Henry Weinharts beer etc. ) My first contribution as a Jr. Designer was working on a redesign of the Brown and Haley Logo. Brown and Haley makes Almond Rocca. Yum! My little tiny contribution was adding the flourished cross bar on the letter “H”. I remember that time in my life and the sense of accomplishment I felt every time I walked into a super market and happen to see Almond Rocca on the self. When the package first hit the shelves I even took my college roommates to the local supermarket to point and stare at it!
I didn’t last long at that job, preferring smaller design firms where I could make larger design contributions, but I still feel that sense of being a part of something bigger and being able to share my art to whoever is willing to look at it.
Today I get that same feelings when I complete a big project, teach a great class, hear from students about the what they are doing and yes seeing my work in a magazine! It’s a great job! Making things from a lump of clay and magically turning it into something beautiful. I guess the concept of transformation is the thread here. Transforming ideas into reality, transforming thinking, transforming a mind set. Ok… so now, I’m rambling a bit.
But transformation does not happen on it’s own.

Photo by Abby Johnston
The editors at MCAM are fabulous, picking up on the grammatical inconsistencies, technical nuances and tons of other untold details. Making it look good takes work too. Special thanks to my photographer Abby Johnston who took the fab hero shot. Thanks Abby!
It’s a great article & project. I do not have sterling pmc but I tried one of the circle mushrooms in PMC3 including the carving (which I learned in PMC Certification class), fired the circle & it looks fabulous which means your instructions were clear & concise. Thanks Patrik.
Wow I’m so flattered that the article inspired you to create one so quickly! I appreciate hearing from you as often times us authors will write articles or books without hearing from readers. Thanks for the feedback. When you get your project done send pics!
Take care
Stunning piece, Patrik! Congratulations on the article. I’ll look forwardcto reading it.
Thanks Vickie!