Museum of Craft and Design

After the Holiday Party for the guild a few of us went to the Museum of Craft and Design on Sutter Street in San Francisco. There were a few exhibits “The Thinking Body” This exhibition will consist of a unique body of work created by contemporary American and European metalsmiths whose work considers the body in relation to its physical and intellectual environment. Work by featured artists represent multiple perspectives on reinterpreting jewelry, functional objects and constructed spaces, exploring the conceptual ranges of these forms and locations. It was very interesting. I illegally snapped a couple shots. The image above was from a set of necklaces made from Legos. They had a computer set up to take pictures of people and will be posting them on the museum website.

Also there was an section where you could create you own jewelry! Sooooooooo of course we HAD to give it a go. Of course the materials were all recycled parts and pieces from various places. Here are some pics of us having a ball!



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